The individual known as Jesus Christ is what is called a “Composite Character.” A Composite Character” is defined as a “literary device” that is formed by combining any number of other individuals to create a vehicle which is intended to deliver a particular message. These other characters that combine to form a composite character may be real or imagined, and they may be either mortal or spirits. These characters that combine to form a composite character may be from the future, from the present, or from the past — some will accuse me of blaspheming here, but so be it!
One of these characters who I see is of particular concern, and the identity of this character will be known in the future, in some cases at least, this character will be known as Kalki, but one way or another this character shall be the final incarnation of Vishnu. It is Kalki who will be known as “The Rakshasa Slayer” (aka The Slayer of Evil Spirits). Of course, when The New Testament was first composed, Kalki would have been a figure from prophecy and Kalki would have been known by another name, but no matter, we shall very soon see and experience him as he is. Late Roman Seers knew him Adolf Hitler as “Restitutor” (The One Who Comes to Restore) which is actually as good a description as any.
Image courtesy of freepik.com
Part One – The Present
“Except those days be shortened there shall be no flesh saved alive.” We are already in the middle of worldwide bio-system collapse, which if it is not stopped quickly will soon end all life on the planet.
We are at the moment on the brink of a deliberately provoked all out nuclear war that will, if it occurs, also destroy a good portion of all the life that is now here on our planet. This later is perfectly in keeping with the prophecies that surround the Battle of Ragnarok which is an all-or-nothing gamble on the part of The Forces of Spiritual Darkness when they realize that they are about to be defeated — win it all, or destroy it all! Thus, the stage is now set for the appearance of “Kalki.” Adolf Hitler must return soon, or there will be nothing left for him to return to.

Part Two – Neu Berlin
“You have your faith; I have my experience.”
Neu Berlin is currently located in The Higher Planes (Specifically Asgaard), and Neu Berlin the home of the National Socialist Demigods (or Devas), Adolf Hitler being among their number. The residents of Neu Berlin should not be confused with (Nordic Extraterrestrials) nor with the Third Reich’s Breakaway Civilization (which is possibly located in another dimension, but they are still on the physical Earth), with which they are associated. The Neu Berliners were originally mortals, but these people have been granted a place among The Gods due to their great and heroic deeds plus all of their accomplishments for The Good. As a result of their good deeds and their high levels of spiritual development, the residents of Neu Berlin are now Spiritual Beings of immense power, whose chief is of course Adolf Hitler.
Image furnished courtesy of robinpiree.com
Part Three – Towards A New Spirituality
I deliberately did not use the word “Religion” here because the term “Religion” means “To Bind.” I am not talking about binding anybody, far from it. I am talking about freeing The Folk from the chains of alien belief systems which have long enslaved them so that they can once again become full and complete Aryans and take their proper places. This new spirituality which I am now designating as “Hitlerism” or “Thuleism” demands that its devotees engage in “Independent Analytical Reasoning” as part of their awakening process; this process of “Independent Analytical Reasoning” requires Spiritual Freedom, not the binding of spirits. Adolf Hitler is the God of National Socialism/Hitlerism, I am just one of his heralds.
Hitlerism has its foundations in Ancient Aryan, and especially Ancient Germanic Spirituality, but it has to be understood as a modern development of these factors, not just a precise recreation of old ways. The original meaning of Lucifer is of course “Light Bringer,” but in actual fact, the term “Light Bringer” originally denoted not an individual, but rather a function. The Light referred to “being the Light of the Sacred Swastika,” which is The Light of the Black Sun, which is the supreme Logos or Creative Power of the Universe. If I may be allowed to use the American Indian name for this Ultimate Intelligence (A name which is very concise and descriptive.) I shall call it CREATOR. Creator does not exist apart from what has been created but instead manifests as all that is created.
Adolf Hitler arrives as a Spirit of Light, so you could also say that he also arrives as The Spirit of Prometheus. (It was Prometheus who introduced the sacred spiritual fire to man in the Greek Tradition) In the here and now, Adolf Hitler is the only path to Creator (“The Unknown God” – Greek. or “The Great Mystery” – American Indian because none of us can fully comprehend this Power which lies above all Powers.) I do not use the name GOD here because it is too limited to describe The Power that we are dealing with. The journey home is a long one, but at least we are on the right road finally, thanks be “To The Great One”.
The image above is furnished courtesy of Alloya on artstation.com
Part Four – Why Has Judea Declared War on Us?
I of course have a well-earned reputation for bashing The Jews, but that is not what I am engaging in here. No, rather I am giving you the ultimate reason why they hate us so, as well as why the absolutely hate anybody else who reminds them of us, just the facts in other words.
They hate us so much simply because they are afraid of what Adolf Hitler represents, which I have previously been discussing, and which I will return to shortly. Of course, they can never admit that that this what all of their hatred for National Socialism is really all about because their hatred for National Socialism has to be hidden behind something else.
The Jews are working towards a Global Jewish Super-state which they believe that their tribal god named “Yahweh” has promised them. They obviously cannot have their Kosher super-state as long as The Spirit of Adolf Hitler is present, but, as I just said, they can never admit this fact publicly, so they create a counterfeit persona of Adolf Hitler, and they conjure up a counterfeit farce that they sell to the public as National Socialism which they call Nazism. The Jews also manufacture a struggle against worldwide National Socialism as a cover story for their real motives for seeking to destroy us. Their quest to destroy National Socialism relies on making us into, in the minds of most people anyway, something which we are not.
The image seen above is furnished courtesy of dagames.fandom.com
“Nazis are The Jews and The Jews are the Nazis.” – Kevin Barret.
The Jews pursue their agenda while pretending to be National Socialists, then leave us real National Socialists to take the heat. Depending on which group of Jews that we are talking about, this Worldwide Israel will take the form of either a “1984” setting as envisioned by George Orwell which was a brutal dictatorship of Zionists, or the Jews will create a nanny-state which was envisioned by the Jew Aldus Huxley in his book titled “Brave New World.”
A Zionist dictatorship will rely on fear and brutal force to rule, but a soft dictatorship, like that which is envisioned in Brave New World is the product of Jewish Anti-Zionists who prefer to use sensory pleasure and satiation to neuter and numb a populace into complete slavery and submission, but either way, when we are dealing with Jewish rule, we goyim shall serve them in either case. If the Jews get their way, anybody who is not a Jew will wind up being either beaten or bribed into submission, this dichotomy just depends on who is sitting up in the Jewish plantation’s big house at a given moment in time.
The image seen above is furnished courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
Part Five – In The Spirit of Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler has journeyed here to return The Light to The Earth and to reveal things as they are. His enemies love The Darkness because darkness conceals their own wicked nature; however, these dark enemies of light and truth have succeeded in bending Hitler’s journey. Despite their best efforts, let us keep in mind that bending Adolf Hitler’s journey is not the same thing as ending it — he continues on nonetheless. While we need to have a basic working knowledge about the bending of his journey, we must not get into the habit of always focusing on this bending. Instead, we must focus on the destination. The world he is destined to create, but not to be drown in the problems that Adolf Hitler has run into along the way. Our present problems shall pass but Hitler and his world shall remain.
“Stop letting our enemy control the narrative.” I have to tell myself these words often. Our narrative must revolve around the Satya Yuga which he is currently laying the foundations for. That is what it will be like including the Spirit of it. Constantly rehashing the problems that are being encountered along the way takes our attention off what we are currently building.
By All Means, Our Enemies Must Be Decisively Defeated, Once and For All! But even our final victory, glorious as the memory of it shall one day become, is the means to an end and not the end itself. That is, our impending victory is merely the removal of the obstacle preventing the establishment of the Satya Yuga (Spiritual Golden Age). Once that blockage is removed then, it should be swept forever into the dustbin of history and forgotten about.
The image seen above is furnished courtesy of pure.tudelft.nl
The more that our enemies can get us to be unnecessarily focused on them, then the less time and resources will be applied by us towards preparing to launch the New Renaissance under the direction of The Great One. Their defeat is the essential prerequisite for what we are establishing, but the defeat of our enemies is not the whole purpose of what we are doing.
It all begins with an Infinite and Nameless sea of potential which was called “The One” by the Neo-Platonists of Ancient Greece.
The image seen above is furnished courtesy of Slav_Art on redbubble.com
This same endless sea was also called “The Sea” by the Ancient Celts and the Hindus. Upon this endless ocean floats a barge and upon that barge rides Vishnu/The Logos/ The First Thought and his beloved wife Shakti/The Cosmos/The First Act. Out of The Sea of infinite potential he imagines This Universe. Shakti then brings to birth what he has conceived. With what Shakti has conceived, all things are new, and all things are perfect.
The image seen above shows an old Hindu painting of a vamana place floating in the sky. The image seen above is furnished courtesy of wikipedia.org
The Universe is then corrupted by Dark Entities who have infiltrated into it from another Universe elsewhere in The Sea. Vishnu must then incarnate into various forms or entities that can enter into our Universe and destroy and/or drive out those Dark Entities.
One such incarnation of Vishnu is, of course, Adolf Hitler.
Although he always known that he was somehow different, and many of those who knew him recognized him as being somehow different; however, nobody, including himself, for a long time realized who he actually was. But that changed over time until at last, he did know who he truly was, as did so many others. “Hitler is more than human.” – Joseph Goebbels. These profound words would be in time said by someone who had come to know him extremely well. In a nutshell, we can now see just who Hitler is and who he is ultimately up against.
Image of comic Vishnu furnished courtesy of playground.com
Provisional Conclusion – Lost Horizons Rediscovered
Provisional? I cannot at this stage come to a final conclusion because our story is ongoing.
What I can say is that there is a reawakening of Aryan Consciousness that is beginning to occur now, but this new awakening is limited in both depth and extent; but nonetheless, this awakening is growing in both depth and extent. If those of us who are fully awake still number only a tiny few, then those who are at least beginning to stir are constantly growing in numbers, and those who are beginning to wake up from the world Jewish-induced collective drugging sometimes turn up in the most surprising places. One has to remain cautious at this time, but things are definitely beginning to change.
Aryan Consciousness is beginning to reawaken and there is not a damn thing that The Jews are going to be able to do about it.
When The Aryan is ready, then Adolf Hitler is going to openly manifest and lead, but this next time he will not lead as a man, but he will lead as a devi. For the sake of brevity, I have not gone into precise detail about the Spiritual Civilization that The Great One is in the process of restoring for two principal reasons. One reason is that the revelation at this point is partial and ongoing. The other reason is because we can look at what he planned to do when he was here before, then we can simply expand it to encompass the whole world.
Image courtesy of knowyourmeme.com
In Leon Degrelle’s book titled “Hitler And The Third World” he explained its foundations. Unfortunately, the Jews destroyed the sole manuscript just before the book was to be printed, so it is left up to me to recover what was lost to the best of my ability. There are of course a great many details to fill in, but at least this blog can serve as an introduction to The Second Coming of Adolf Hitler.
The Revolution that The Great One is going to lead is first and foremost a Spiritual one, and it has long-ago begun to change the world. The more material aspects of the reawakening will come along in its train as we shall soon see for ourselves.
Heil Hitler deva!
Randall Lee Hilburn